(Photo from National Geographic)
Saturday we took The Kid to The Bodies Exhibition in Honolulu. Audee first told us about it when she was here for the wedding, and I have been trying to talk myself into wanting to go since. I've read a ton about it, and had a real morbid curiosity. I have some other thoughts on it, shared in another space, but for now, know that we all had a really cool time.
The Kid was far more excited than I had anticipated. She was not squicked out at all, which is more than I can say for myself. They had audio tours to rent for the exhibit that had an adult and a kid version (the only difference was the language they used). Throughout the hour plus we were there she was randomly spouting science facts. It was so awesome to watch her face light up w/ knowledge, since they have been studying the human body in class. She will tell you that her favorite part was the touching center, where she was offered the opportunity to hold a kidney and a brain...but she would only touch the kidney w/ one finger. We let her pick out a souvenir from the gift shop at the end to take in for show and tell on Friday, and she chose a book w/ a large fold out body that is a little bigger than her. It has all kinds of cool flaps to turn and parts to look at.
In the end, I am so glad we went. While I have a lot of thoughts on this project, I am satisfied at having seen it w/ my own eyes to be able to judge it for myself. If you live in a city where it is showing, I recommend seeing it yourself. It wasn't as creepy as I thought (though I did shiver several times, and it smelled like the anatomy classroom from high school), and there was a lot to learn. One of the coolest parts was the display of healthy organs next to unhealthy ones, and a box between a display of lungs partially filled w/ packs of cigarettes that people had discarded. Apparently a good number of smokers who visit the exhibit commit to quitting smoking on the spot.
Again, check up on it. There has been a lot of coverage, and a bit of controversy. If you can, go.
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