I wrote some thoughts last year on the way some people tend to view Halloween and how it makes me feel. I still feel a lot of that.
But in recent years, I have learned to use it as a real New Year's Eve. I want to make resolutions. I want to put painful things behind me and move on from them, and there are many. It's a time of year that I like to burn grudges (literally and figuratively) and try to find in my heart forgiveness and peace. I am choosing to let go of things that hurt me, and attempting to actively move on in a way that will allow me to heal. I have learned a lot of tough lessons this year, about myself and people close to me, and I have consciously decided that no one can allow me to feel anything w/o my permission. I have a right to feel what I feel and to my emotions, but I also have a responsibility to own those emotions, and recognize them. First and foremost, when The Guy asks me how I am doing, "OK" will no longer be an appropriate answer.
And I will not allow others to make me feel bad or shameful b/c of who I am or how I feel. They are my emotions and feelings. Mine. I choose to feel them and how to deal w/ them. I will make no apologies for them. I make no apologies for the person I am choosing to be.
I will not do this perfectly, b/c I am human. I have let things hurt me for so long that I will stumble in this challenge. I am OK w/ that. I am allowed to make mistakes. Professionals have editors. I have the strength of the Goddess to guide me.
Samhain is a beautiful time of year, and special to me in many ways. It is a private time for me when all the festivities associated w/ modern celebrations are over. It is reflection and introspection, and time for me to commune.
I offer up some links of interest for your Halloween/Samhain reading interests.
This is an open thread. Add your own thoughts or links.
And have a beautiful and peaceful, and fun holiday.
Warmth and Blessings to you all!
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