I haven't been home to spend any great amount of time in quite a while.
The last time I was home was purely business, and there was no time for pleasantries b/c of certain persons. It was so nice to finally be able to unwind, relax, and meet up w/ family that I haven't seen in a long time, or ever. It is also the first time that The Guy has met most of my family. To say we had a great time isn't even scratching the surface, and the time was too short. My only regret is that I didn't remember my camera when we went to see my Grammy, who has just celebrated her 87th birthday! I really wanted to get a picture of The Kid w/ her, but hopefully we will get the chance this summer.
The Kid has not in her memory seen as much snow as we encountered, and I don't believe that The Guy's Iowa upbringing prepared him for this much. The first night we were there, they got all bundled up and went out to play.

She made snow angels on the front deck. The deck stands about three feet off of the ground, and you can see that the snow is even w/ it in most places.

There are times I think he was made for UP living! LOL!

I don't think she's giving you the stink eye, I think her face is just like that.


Nothing like Cribbage after breakfast. Careful Nana, I think he's cheating!

That hat is so you!

The Kid and our cousin getting ready to go out and play in the snow.
While The Kid was out playing The Guy and I went up to the property I own which is where my Dad used to live. We wanted to take a look around and toy w/ what we want to do w/ it. We were up to our knees in snow while we took these pictures.

This is the view from the back of the property, which actually goes down to the main road. I won't blame you if you can't tell where the hill, the main road, or Lake Superior are. I would also like to mention that I can see Canada from my house, and now believe that I should run for Vice President.

This is the back of what is currently standing. It is pretty much uninhabitable, but the property taxes would have you believe otherwise. Check out all of that snow!

I love birch trees. There is something about them that gives me a kind of peace inside.

The Guy and I made a bit of a feast for my family for some football game that was going on while we were there...
We started by making Kalua Pig, the cheater's way (in the crock pot).

We used the pig to make egg rolls and nachos, which are kind of a twist on favorites. Kalua Pig is surprisingly versatile.

I marinated and baked some naked tenders to make naked boneless hot wings w/ my signature sauce, which also doubles as an awesome tofu marinade.

Most of the family enjoying the spread.
It was really great to see The Guy hitting it off w/ my family. He and my Papa and my Aunt got into a bit of a rivalry over the game, which ended w/ my Aunt bringing in snow to dump down his and our cousin's back...

And here The Guy and my cousin are acting like they are not plotting their revenge. If only I had gotten a good shot of my Aunt in the snow after The Guy threw her there. It was pretty funny. Everyone had a good time.

Do all kids look this spazzy when trying to catch snowflakes? I really hope so...it's so darned cute!

Nana and Papa took us out for dinner for The Guy's birthday. While the whitefish wasn't fresh, it sure hit the nostalgia spot. Also, the company was pretty darned good. :)

After dinner we went home to enjoy birthday cake that everyone pitched in to make.

Papa baked it, I frosted and covered it w/ crushed PB malted milk balls, and Nana and Kid did the decor and candles.

Papa picked this out for him all by himself. I guess The Guy is a true Yooper now. LOL!

Way too soon it was time to say good-bye.

We took some really nice photos on our way out. I don't mind saying that we worked hard to get these, as the lookout point was poorly plowed.

Hard work, but worth it.
Finally, I have to give a special shout out to the GPS, which may be our new deity now, which showed us as driving on top of Lake Michigan. Ha ha.

Only one more travel post to go! Woo hoo!