The Guy will tell you that I am obsessed w/ Buddhism. I would call it a whimsical curiosity. The concepts of Buddhism fascinate me. Moreover, I am sometimes overwhelmed w/ joy when in the presence of things like large statues of Buddha. The Buddhism Gallery had portrayals of Buddhas from all over Asia and South Asia.
The Seated Buddha on that lotus blossoms was placed in the center of four columns taken from Chinese Buddhist Temples. I wish I could have seen all of the work on all four of them, b/c it was so beautiful.

This Buddha, at the far back of the gallery and very tall, is one of those that overtakes me a little. It was my favorite. The Guy had to stop me from climbing up on the platform to get closer. Stupid rules.

Here is a cool relief of a Guardian.

A Buddha from Thailand.

The Garden
There was a charming garden in the courtyard. I snapped this one of a couple of boys running and enjoying the sun and garden b/f Mean Museum Lady came over and demanded that their mother keep them closer. I guess she forgot what it's like to enjoy jumping around in the grass.

The garden was of course filled w/ great statues of Fu Dogs.

I love this Guy.
And I think I will keep the husband, too.

The fountain at the back of the garden.
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