The Kid is finally home, and we are so excited! After making sure she called to check in and let her dad know she made it safely, The Kid, The Guy and I went out for some early dinner (way early) b/c she was so hungry she could have eaten one of our arms. Then we came home for some comfy clothes and snuggles (oh, and some Beautiful Katamari, which she saw at Game Stop months ago as a demo and loved playing, and we couldn't find it until she was gone). I kept asking her if she was tired, and she said "no, it's only 7:30!", but three minutes later she was fast asleep in my arms.
Since then we have been busy busy busy! Tuesday we went out and got all of her school supplies, updated The Guy's PSD file, and had her fitted for uniforms. She also needed some new clothes, so we got some of those, too. I can hardly believe how much she has grown! She went from a size 7 (fitting perfectly) when she left to a 10 now! Also, a pair of shoes that a friend from school gave her that were two sizes too big and the end of the school year fit well now, w/ a little room, so yay! we don't have to buy new school shoes. We got everything except the proper size box of crayons, b/c the NEX didn't have 16 count, so we will have to get them elsewhere. We threw in a hair cut for her, and ended the night w/ me taking care of her finger and toenails, badly in need of attention.
Wednesday, thanks to some coupons from a friend I work w/, we were able to go to the Hawai'ian Waters Adventure Park. We invited one of her friends from school to come w/ us. I was a little worried that we would spend all day in the Keiki pool w/ lame baby slides, but turns out the two kids kept punking each other into going on the rides! We went several times down this one ride where you needed a mat, and there was another one w/ tubes that you had to share. After that, her friend decided she wanted to go home. We went on another giant tube ride, including one that was over four stories high (not surprisingly The Kid is tall enough to ride any ride she wants). The last one The Kid begged to go on, is called the Tornado, and that is what it looks like from the ground. You put four people on one raft and shoot through this tornado of water, half pipe style. She looked terrified, but when we were finished she started dragging the mat to go again. All in all it was a fun day! Even David came w/ us, and had a good time! By then the park was closing, so we got some cotton candy and headed for home.

Wednesday night was orientation at her school, and she was able to see a few of her friends and say hello to her former kindergarten teacher whom she adores, and her new first grade teacher. Her teacher told me she loves talking w/ her b/c of her vocabulary and the way she is able to talk intelligently w/ grown ups. Plus, she and the kindergarten teacher agree that there is nothing like "Kid" hugs. Apparently she has a trademark on the best hugs ever!
Yesterday was a lazy day, and much needed b/c I simply don't have enough spoons to keep up this pace, and I was the first one asleep all week (except Tuesday). We did some much needed light cleaning, took a break for dinner, and played some more Katamari. In the next couple of months we are hoping to afford a Wii Fit b/c I want to add yoga to my day in small amounts that I can handle, and The Kid has expressed interest in it as well.
Today we have a special surprise planned, and tomorrow is Work Day at her school, so I guess I had best get going and get us all ready!
More updates soon!
Malama Pono!
Yeah for the Kid's return. I'm sure you now feel whole and complete!
Yay! Sarah you have no idea! It's like my left arm was gone all summer...and I am ambidextrous!
It was great to have her back...and this past week has been such needed fun!
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