I don't really get Modern Art. I am convinced that if I knew the right people the Kid could be the next great one. I mean, she already isn't understood in her own time. I think I could easily have some of my stuff hanging in galleries, so I am not sure I am a good judge of what is or is not "art". That being said, I did enjoy the "Shu" exhibit, which is Chinese for book. It was art all done from books. I would love to show you more, but this is the last shot I got b/f Mean Museum Dude told me that photography in the galleries is strictly forbidden. Whoops.
This one is "Black Covered Book Depicting Desert Storm".

Well, that didn't really stop us. Like I said, there were almost no curators in the whole place, probably due to the keiki activities going on outside.
The last thing we saw was mostly devoted to Shiva, Parvati and Ganesha. There were countless depictions of them from all over South Asia. I also found a cute children's book in the gift shop about the story of Ganesha, and how he became the Elephant Prince.

This was an amazing wall sized colorful wood carving.
The Guy was so excited about this.

I am so glad I finally had an opportunity to go. By the time we were half way through my joints were aching so bad from the walking, but stubborn as I am I was determined to see it all. I had quite a time getting up and down the stairs, even w/ The Guy's help. It was so worth it, even if I wind up sleeping all day tomorrow. I am going to try to find that Elephant Prince book for the Kid. She seems to like folk tales from other cultures, so I think it will be a nice addition to our collection.
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