The Wedding Edition!
To stymie the persistent nagging of some of my closest and most loved peeps out there in Readerland, I bring you the carefully selected photojournal of our wedding.
A little side note, two days before the wedding I got a corneal ulcer in my right eye (again), making it impossible for me to go w/o sunglasses, even inside, for a few days. W/ the fake nails (if you are thinking about it, don't.) and the sunglasses I felt like a love child between Lady Deathstrike and Cyclops. My eye is almost better, but I have to have a full exam next week to see if the vision change is permanent. And, I have a nice visible scar.
Photo credit to B, VBFitU's Gi(H)L, since I was otherwise occupied. He did a great job! As soon as David gets more of them off of his camera I will update!
W/o more fuss and further ado:

Sorting out the roles for everyone (Luckily, I won the straw draw against Zoltan for being the bride. He had to settle for officant.)

The Kid sporting her ring bearing duties w/ the chord we made her, and the lei so she could say she was the flower girl.

VBFitU and I during the opening of the ceremony.

David looking on as the Guy is smiling like heck. I am glad to see he is smiling like heck.

Correct me if I am wrong, but are those tears under those shades?

Lei exchange...

...and a kiss of greeting.

Auderelli performs the invocation.

The handfasting.

The rings were a little tricky w/ our hands tied together.

The Kid did a good job keeping the rings safe.

The big moment. Aww.

Our happy little family. And for the Kid, as promised, this is my favorite picture. Well, of all of us.

The Kid showing off her excitement.

A sunset at Sunset Beach, majesty included.

The Kid, never missing a chance to get wet...even in a pretty pretty dress.

The Guy and David, in the I knew it was coming "Wonder Twins powers unite" moment.

Having a moment...and another "half of Z" picture for my collection.

But every now and then I get a good one where he is all in the picture. This one is for Zmumszy.

Another moment. I really feel that life is going to be full of "moments" for quite some time. *gush*

One more for the "half of Z" collection. I just don't know how he does it.

The Guy and the Kid having a father daughter chat on the beach (OK, Kid, this is my favorite wedding picture. My very favorite.).

Some of the best looking feet on the beach!

The mandatory Wedding Ring shot.
All photos shamelessly stolen from Auderelli's photo sharing site. I am very grateful to B for being there to take all the pictures.
For those of you wondering, it was perfect. It was exactly what I have always wanted.
I will post more later, and VBFitU is more than welcome to edit and add her $.02 at any time. There are some reception pics, and some of VBFitU's vacation pics that I am sure are going to go up soon. In fact, I think I am going to have to add one to one of her earlier posts.
Thanks for all the well wishing!
And Audee, I think I will still take that tiara and ballet flats...but I think I need wings too.
And a magic wand...