(I figured how to move the pics around in Blogger, so you may click to embiggen all photos.)

We managed to get out and about in Seoul, although it looks as though I might not be getting around too much for a little while. LOL.
Our friend Brandon took us out to a great little place in Hannamdong for dinner. They made this great fried chicken, and this dish pictured above, which had chicken and ddoek, which is a stick made out of smooshed rice. The fried chicken wasn't spicy, but this dish certainly was!
Nothing washes good spicy Korean food down quite like Korean beer, which is also so very very cheap!
Here's Brandon paying for the meal.
This is where the magic happened. I love the way you can see the kitchens in Korean restaurants!
Some pictures of Itaewon at night.
That's Brandon and The Kid at the bottom of the stairs in the sidewalk, thinking they are funny for being faster than gimpy ol' me.
This is the cute little flower shop on the corner by our villa. The couple that owns it are always there, and you can seem them eating their ramen at lunch time. When you go in to buy flowers they give you coffee, freshly pressed.
Seems Brandon is always making this face when I take his picture. LOL.
Here we are at a great restaurant where they cook your food on the table. They gave us these enormous bibs so we didn't get splattered on our clothes.
Here it is mostly raw and just starting to cook. It had cabbage, potatoes, carrots, ddeok, hot peppers, onions and chicken rib meat, smothered in gochujang (red pepper paste).
It smelled amazing as it cooked. Of course they brought out all the ban chan, and this great soup that was tangy. It was kind of like a cucumber gazpacho w/ onion and kim (seaweed). It was fairly spicy and amazing. I need to learn how to make the soup b/c it was light, refreshing and so tasty!
We had plans to go to Itaewon tomorrow afternoon for walking and shopping, but due to my little incident we will have to postphone. I think I should have some more photos to share soon!
Take care!
OYD out!
what is this "incident" you speak of?? I better not show any of these pictures to Walter. He will be very jealous!!
Well, I linked to it above, but I fell and sprained my ankle super hard today while I was going to pick up The Kid from the bus stop.
I just ate, and now you've made me all hungry again!
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