Today we had another play date w/ The Kid's friend, S. from school. Last weekend The Kid went w/ S. and her grandmother to the Army Pool on Schofield, and today S. came w/ us. First we took them to the arcade to blow off some steam w/ skee-ball and air hockey, both which I rock at and we all love playing. Then we headed to our house where they got in some good trampoline fun (which reminds me that I need to make another "Boys on Trampolines" video).

Afterward we helped the girls make English Muffin Pizzas (recipe above), which I used to make at my aunt's house when I was young, and was a big hit in my fraternity days (I was the best brotherhood chair ever!). I like English Muffin Pizzas w/ groups of kids b/c everyone gets to make their own, and everyone gets to use whatever they like. They also don't take long to make, since you only need to bake them long enough to melt and brown the cheese.

Even big kids like to play too! Yes, I know how lucky I am!

After they ate we played some Mario Party on the Wii, and then it was time for S. to go home. We also let S. rummage through The Kid's too small clothes, which are not few, for anything she wanted to take home. I love passing on clothes to other kids, which is a big perk of having the second biggest kid in the First Grade. The down side is that we don't know too many kids to pass stuff on to The Kid (except the one girl from whom we got the red shoes). Passing on and taking passed on clothes helps me feel like we are breaking the cycle of capitalist gain which overwhelmingly exploits women, especially WOC...but I digress...
I think it is safe to say that The Kid has made her first good friend w/ whom she likes to play, and who is supportive of her. They really are so much fun together. And for those of you who are parents who aren't at the play date stage yet, I will tell you it truly is one of those sacred and wonderful rituals of parenthood to which you can look forward. You exchange play dates, giving each family a short rest w/o it really being babysitting. The kids have fun together, the parents have much needed quiet time. Everyone wins!
Hope you all had a great weekend, and sorry, Kristen, that I mixed up the dates. I really thought your party was yesterday when I scheduled for today. :(
Malama Pono!
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