A great time was had by all, and The Kid got to say good buy to a lot of her friends from school. We were really touched b/c they got her gifts, most of which can go in her carry on for the plane or in her school pack for the road (her teacher was nice enough to make us a pack of a month's worth of school work for while we are on the Mainland). Mostly books and word search puzzles, which she loves.
Now, w/o much further ado, what you all came here for:

That blur is The Kid getting her bearings on the ice again.

And that is The Other David getting his.

Here is an amazing display of table manners. Ms. Manners would be impressed, I am sure.

Of course the master plan was to sugar them all up and strap weapons to their feet b/f turning them loose...

...it worked. LOLZ.

There's a cute mother/daughter duo for ya!

You can tell the kids of scrappers b/c they are used to being the subjects of the paparazzi. The flash their best smile as soon as they see the camera. See exhibit A.

The Kid and our friend venturing out to take a last lap before our friend left. The ditched the training aide.

Even the friends have gotten used to being under the paparazzi's lens. HA! Exhibit B!

The Kid and her Step-Daddy taking a few laps.

Sometimes they even pose. Exhibit C. Ha ha.

This kid's mom scraps too, so we have two experts here. Ha ha. The Kid was starting to say her good byes, which went better than I could have expected.

We had time for some warm snuggles while we watched them drive the Zamboni. Despite being a going away party, we had a really great time. We are so going to miss everyone, but we are looking forward to this next journey.
Malama Pono!
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