FWIW, none of these people could make me nearly as ecstatically happy as The Guy does. Not one.

W/o much further ado, and in no particular order:
David Boreanaz (duh!)

Broody forehead for days, a prankster's personality, and he has that whole "500 years of psychic baggage" thing going on. Oh yeah, you know what I am talking about.
Jesse Spencer

I don't think so much w/ the Monkey Sex, but I would love to take him to a pub and get him to say "tumor" to me again and again in that adorable Aussie accent. I know what an Anglophile is, so what does that make me?
And that brings me around to Hugh Laurie

B/c if Annie Lennox doesn't want him I will gladly take him off of her hands.
Jet Li

The cinematography isn't the only thing that is beautiful about the movie Hero.
Zach Braff

Beating out Mark Wahlberg today (that'll teach you to make a movie and not take off your shirt, Mark!) is the writer, director, and star of a movie I relate to more than I can tell.
Clare Kramer

If you don't know who she is I can not believe I call you my friend. Consider this your free pass. Kramer is only my all time favorite Big Bad from Buffy. If anyone cared to ask me I would tell them that I think she would make the purrrfect Catwoman in the current Batman franchise.
Adam Baldwin (no, not one of those Baldwins)

The man they call Jayne. Also the man they called the Conduit in the last episodes of Angel.
Kate Walsh

B/c this is what a feminist looks like. I need no other reason.
Daniel Henney

Maybe the Seoul reason to watch My Lovely Sam-Soon, if it wasn't already hilarious. Sometimes the puns just come to me.
And last but certainly not least, My Other Boyfriend, AKA Stephen Colbert!

Defender of Truthiness for all!
OK, that's mine. Let's see yours. Do it at your own place and drop the link in comments!
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