This apparently is her best having fun face.
There were lots of fun challenges featuring sketches to be used, and then throwing in a twist to make it more...well challenging.
First I did the circle challenge. I love circle LOs, but I also had to use round things, paper w/ circles or dots, and all the embellishments had to be round.

I have a bit of a love affair w/ Doodlebug and their sugar coated goodies.
Next, was a challenge to do a LO in black and white, and only one other accent color was allowed. There was a bonus drawing if you also used B&W photos.

It is really hard to get the lighting right w/ all of that glitter, but believe you me, it is all over the place!
Next up was a color by number challenge, and the colors I had to work w/ were orange, red, cream and green. Some of my favorites, so easy enough! Just so happens The Kid wore red the first day of school, so begins her first grade book.

Next was a LO showing motion.

There is nothing like Hawai'ian sun to really bring out the color!
My favorite LO that I finished was a challenge to use paint prominently. For some reason it was stuck in my head that I had to use this particular photo for this LO, and that it had to be on acrylic. This was my very first crack at working w/ acrylic, so I took my time. I probably could have finished three more LOs in the time it took to do this one.

HA! You can see my Iowa State shirt in the reflection! Taking a picture of this turned out to be a task in itself. Oh well, it did well enough w/ the lawn chair in the background.
I may be addicted to acrylic now! I was glad this turned out well b/c I am going to do our wedding album in acrylic, and wanted to see how it worked out for me.
Not for the crop, but also fun was a birthday card I made for our roommate, The Other David, whose birthday was last week.

Check out that hand drawn shot glass!
Finally, I will leave a sneak peek of a card I did for my new sister-in-law, for her sixteenth birthday. Since my darling mother-in-law frequents this site, I don't want to give too much away...but I was feeding my acrylic addiction!

This weekend The Kid and I will be making birthday cards for her friend, S, and probably finishing up our Halloween cards. We usually have Friday nights to ourselves to make dinner together and watch a movie and scrap. As much as I enjoy the family we have here and our household dynamics it is nice to have those quiet times to ourselves occasionally.
Are you creative? Do you have something you are proud of and want to share? Feel free to drop links in comments!
1 comment:
you are so creative! wanna scrap for me?????
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